This blog is in English and in Bulgarian....sorry for that:(
I just collect some interesting things here connected to the religion .

Thursday 21 February 2008

Thursday 14 February 2008

Peter Danov

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Peter Danov - July 12, 1864 - December 27, 1944

Amid the doubts, despair, conflicts and chaos of our times, the presence of a great Soul brings Light, dispelling the darkness. The Master Beinsa Douno gave knowledge of the coming of a new culture based on three principles: Love that brings life, Wisdom that gives light and Truth that gives freedom. Peter Konstantinov Deunov, who took the spiritual name Beinsa Douno, was born on July 12, 1864 in Bulgaria. He obtained his secondary education in Bulgaria and his higher education in theology and medicine in the United States. He returned to his country after an absence of eight years and engaged in the systematic study of the phrenology of the Bulgarian people. It was to them that he brought forth the Divine Teaching of Love. The Master departed in the early morning of December 27, 1944. He began with three followers, and these gradually grew to many thousand. The first spiritual study circles appeared in Bulgaria at the end of the last century. There were 144 at the time when the newly created community built a hall for lectures and a settlement of its own near Sofia, which was called "Izgrev" (Sunrise). A school was set up which, for the first time, had an esoteric studies class for youth, a general esoteric class and Sunday morning sermons at 5 a.m. and 10 a.m. which were open to the public. The Master was also a musician who composed spiritual songs and melodies. He introduced Paneurhythmy: the universal Harmony of movement. These sacred movements which are set to music were performed every morning from March 22 to September 22 by all his followers. A total of 184 books containing his lectures and musical works were published between 1896 and 1948. At the present time, after the political change in Bulgaria, there exist again favorable conditions for offering the spiritual Teaching and for compiling his unpublished lectures. The series of Sunday sermons, "Power and Life," were initiated in the year 1914, and this is not coincidental. It marks the coming of a new cosmic cycle known as the Age of Aquarius. In the words of the Master, "The entire solar system has entered a new sphere of the Spirit. The earth has been in a decline until now. It now embarks on its ascension." At that time, one of his devoted disciples described the outward appearance of the Master as follows: "A man of average stature, about fifty years of age, with slightly graying hair, gentle eyes, composed, quiet, with a profound expression on his face. His calm was conveyed to me. He seemed to emanate some unearthly purity. He never called the Word he gave us his own. Since then I have seen, understood and known what humility means!" What a great difference between his profound humility and the majestic image of the human spirit in the new Divine Cosmic Consciousness to which man ascends along the path as a small grain of wheat! The grain of wheat is the emblem of man's soul -- this is the image of the new and original concept with which he began his first sermon, "Ecce Homo." When he gave these sermons, the Master lived in one of the poor outlying quarters of Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. He had a basement for a dining room and a small room above it where he used to speak at a simple table. The room was full when he spoke, and the window was open so that the people filling the front yard could hear him as well. They were also there when it snowed. A woman in attendance stood enraptured by his words, and when the lecture was over, she could not lift her feet from the earth for the heels of her shoes had frozen. It is remarkable that these lectures held so long ago bear all the features of contemporary presentation. They begin in a simple and clear manner with the fundamental issue, which is then multiplied in large waves which touch and awaken one's higher self. In his talks, he describes what is necessary, "From now on we need to connect our minds and hearts with those of all people on earth, because salvation lies within our common prayers. There is a supreme Consciousness which interconnects the consciousness of all people, and in this manner, creates an inner intimate connection among them. This Consciousness is a candle in whose light things appear and acquire their true meaning -- the meaning which they inherently possess." The Master spoke the following words, "There exist souls in the world who want to grow and to live consciously. It is for them that great Masters come down to earth. They are helped also by all loving and illuminated souls working in the world."

Petar Dunov's eternal place

Friday 8 February 2008

Audio Bulgarian Bible

Audio Bulgarian Bible

Събор на св. Архангел Михаил и безплътните сили. Българска икона от ср. на XIV век от колекцията на Бачковския манастир. Национална галерия, София.

Събор на св. Архангел Михаил и безплътните сили.
Българска икона от ср. на XIV век от колекцията на Бачковския манастир.
Национална галерия, София.
Разпятие Христово, Охридска икона от XIV в. Източник:
Посещението на Авраам (т.н. Старозаветна Троица). Икона от преп. Андрей Рубльов в Свето-Троицевата Сергиева Лавра в Русия.
Слизането на Св. Дух над апостолите на Петдесетница. Руска икона.

Преди да отидем в храма

Облеклото ни да бъде скромно и чисто. Трябва да се стремим да украсяваме не толкова външния, колкото вътрешния си човек с накитите на евангелските добродетели, най-вече на смирението, целомъдрието и любовта към Бога и ближните. Любовта към ближния изисква да не поставяме никому препънка или съблазън; облеклото ни да бъде израз тъкмо на тая любов и на една непринудена целомъдрена нагласа на душата ни, като прикрива тялото ни от човешките очи.

Жените следва да се обличат в женски дрехи. "Жена не бива да носи мъжки дрехи, и мъж не бива да се облича в женско облекло: всеки, който прави това, гнусен е пред Господа, твоя Бог", ни заповядва Бог чрез Моисея (Втор. 22:5).

Още по пътя към храма трябва да отхвърлим от себе си всяка житейска грижа, възлагайки за всичко упование на Господа, за да застанем пред всевиждащия Бог с мирни и благоговейни сърца. Първото прошение на св. Литургия ни приканва към това — "с мир на Господа да се помолим". Да се смирим пред Бога и ближния, и да си простим взаимно от душа е нужно не само на сирни заговезни (в неделята на всеопрощението), но преди всяка Божествена служба. В храма трябва да влизаме със страх Божий и трепет, съзнавайки Кому пристъпваме да служим.

Хубаво е, ако имаме възможност, да идваме 10-15 минути преди да започне богослужението, за да купим свещи, да се помолим и поклоним пред св. икони и пред други светини в храма.

При влизане в църковния двор е редно да спрем, да се помолим (виж Молитва при влизане в църква) и да се прекръстим (веднъж или три пъти; виж За Кръстния знак). Това трябва да сторим естествено, внимателно и благоговейно, а не с някакво пресилено съсредоточаване или пък бързо и небрежно. При кръстене е прието мъжете да свалят шапките си (след което може отново да ги сложат, но само докато влязат в храма). В храма мъжете влизат и стоят с непокрити глави. От най-дълбока християнска древност жените пристъпват прага на храма с покрити глави, следвайки наставлението на св. ап. Павел: "всяка жена, която се моли гологлава, засрамя главата си"... (I Кор. 11:5). До преди около век това апостолско предписание е било повсеместен обичай у всички православни народи. И днес в наши селски храмове едва ли ще видим стара вярваща жена без забрадка.

Ако носим ръкавици, редно е да ги снемем, преди да се прекръстим.

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